Save money, optimize efficiency

Managing AWS cloud environments can be highly intricate and can pose significant challenges for companies due to their large scale and complexity. To fully leverage the benefits offered by the cloud, it is crucial to ensure that capacities are properly sized and complexity is minimized.

Our AWS experts specialize in Cost Optimization and work closely with each customer to tailor individual usage models and savings plans. By doing so, we help optimize costs while maximizing the advantages of AWS for your business.

Optimize your AWS costs

Focus on your core business, not your AWS bills

The journey towards cost optimization goes beyond the initial move from an on-premises environment to the AWS cloud. Simply migrating your existing setup without proper planning can result in unexpected monthly bills. While AWS offers the advantage of rapid provisioning of infrastructure resources like compute, database, and storage for experimentation and innovation, the cost of running these workloads can spiral out of control without effective governance and controls.

Companies exceeded their cloud budget by 23% and that 30% of their outlays were wasted.

- McKinsey

Attempting to optimize cloud costs on your own not only proves to be more expensive but also becomes a major distraction from your core business. By leveraging our team of AWS experts for your cloud cost optimization needs, you can ensure your team's undivided focus on innovating your core products and services. Our dedicated team of cost analysis experts will help you gain control over your usage, establish visibility across all services, and optimize your AWS costs in the cloud.

45% of the organizations that perform a ‘lift and shift’ to cloud architecture endure higher costs and end up overspending by 70% in the first year.

- Gartner

Cost Analysis and Planning

Understand current consumption, determine allocation to business units, and define metrices and strategies to track

Cost Optimization

Eliminate waste through active capacity management, usage of the right services and features, and through AWS partnership programs

Monitoring and Forecasting

Collect data on defined metrices, project forward, detect anomalies, and plan for allocation and charge back

What we do step-by-step

Cost Analysis and Planning

We recommend customers to proactively assess their spending during the migration and modernization of workloads on the AWS cloud. Analyzing AWS cost and usage reports manually can be overwhelming, especially when managing multiple workloads across different environments. To simplify this process, our purpose-built cost analyzer tool automates the analysis, grouping cost elements by domain and workload.

By utilizing a real-time dashboard that presents live data, you gain enhanced visibility into your total spend. Additionally, we conduct forecasting and planning to provide you with greater flexibility in budgeting for future requirements.

Embracing data-driven decision-making empowers you to evaluate and prioritize the infrastructure needs of your current and upcoming IT projects effectively. This approach ensures that you can make informed choices and allocate resources efficiently.

How we help you

  • Resource tagging strategy
  • Automated spend analysis and allocation with AWS Cost and Usage Reports
  • Estimation of baseline and peak demand and usage
  • Dynamic planning and budgeting using the most recent pricing model and cloud optimization services with AWS Budgets
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